Activity Feed

Robert Fernandez replied to Robert Fernandez's discussion Neuvoo jotain
"Voi, tämä on erittäin surullinen uutinen, mutta sinun ei pitäisi olla järkyttynyt, koska nykyään on olemassa monia tapoja ansaita rahaa, esimerkiksi kasinot, tietysti se on, nyt kasinopelit ovat erittäin suosittuja, ja se ei ole yllättävää, että…"
Jul 15, 2020
Robert Fernandez posted a discussion
Neuvoo jotain rahan ansaitsijoille kotona, tarvitsen nyt rahaa, enkä edes tiedä mitä tehdä, koska menetin työpaikkani, jos sinulla on ehdotuksia, olen valmis kuuntelemaan sinua.
Jul 15, 2020
Robert Fernandez replied to Fantasy Power's discussion Play Fantasy Cricket Online
"Cricket is one of my favorite sports, I love watching matches and playing cricket, but I wanted to not only watch the sportsmen, but also to make money on this sport, I’ve heard many times about different ways of earning money, but I bet on sports,…"
Apr 26, 2020
Robert Fernandez replied to Peter Price's discussion game
"Well, I would recommend not to get too involved in casinos because there is a big chance to lose your money, but if you really like games like casinos, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with card games, for example, like on this site…"
Mar 17, 2020
Robert Fernandez replied to Lidiaq Joy's discussion Prime Natural CBD Oil
"I also recently learned about CBD oil and this tool has changed my life. I work in a very stressful job and can cope with daily stress, sometimes very difficult. Friends recommended reading this…"
Jan 28, 2020
Robert Fernandez is now a member of Epic Community
Jan 28, 2020





Freehold, NJ


April 4