DXN Code Strike to just mention something interesting yeah there's always faces there usually faces this this hormonal thing there usually faces so okay this is somehow you made us all right there are stages when the ladies nobody you need to do planning it's very good for planning because now they're you're but the call neurotransmitters the neurotransmitters dozens are chemicals that are produced by the nerves so those ones they determine also the propagation you know when the stimulus is the stimulus is applied
DXN Code Strike Reviews quite a very wide perspective but based on our like our topic today all these things are controlled in the brain also there's a part of the brain called amygdala so like it controls this ETA so if these are disorder also on the brain then you realize it will not you not function normally - yeah physiologically so they live in the things also they manifest in the ladies the evidence okay now I'm what about the men I know who this early cases associated with you know sexual dysfunction in the men and of course common which is the erectile dysfunction so can you talk about this what do we mean by by that and how does it