countdown keto  I'm having be able to get up there but I'm gonna do some hit worker and I will show you what app I use how long I'm doing it for and everything like that because it's literally so quick I'm so easy okay I'm on Zee bike now I'm gonna go onto an app called sit this is nothing odd at all I'm trying to show you but because it's so bright it doesn't really want to work but can we see that like you can pick your gaps so I'm gonna do 20 sets because that's what I normally do 20 sets with 20 seconds on 10 seconds break and that is going to take me a total of nine minutes 15 or that you can see that and then also I've got my iPad with G's latest blog to watch whilst I'm doing so to make the time go quicker so that's the plan I'm literally gonna click let's go and it will count me down and we will again [Music] [Music] so as we can

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