countdown keto palms together look up towards your fingers keep your abdominal stretch exhale slowly bend forward close down to your ankles inhale raise your hands up exhale straighten your knees palms down drop your head inhale lift your head up palms on the flow jump back into a plank position slowly going down into the chaturanga inhale up exhale lift up into the you know what should be and stretch let's get your right leg forward turning your left foot out raise your hands up breathe exhale palms down take the right leg back bend your elbows going down again inhale lift up exhale coming back into the downward dog pose from here I'll get your left leg forward in between both your palms right foot turned out raise your hands up bending your left knee exhale palms down left leg back once again bending your elbows coming to chaturanga inhale bhujangasana exhale lift up say your hold and breathe [Music] slowly bend your knees jump forward towards your palms inhale lift your head up exhale drop your head down bend your