evianne  facial cleanser there are a few products from pharmacy that I had tried prior to embarking on this review and this is one of them so I have this totally empty bottle prior to this review I had used up about 3/4 of this I was using it last winter and then this is kind of the damage I have done on my second bottle I was of so that's another reason to check it out in the store get a sample if you are able to I know James wasn't really a fan of this cleanser because he said it was too gentle but he was using it in the shower after work and he comes home absolutely filthy so I don't really blame him he always wants me intensive here's the part you all saw coming I don't have any particularly strong feelings about this cleanser lathering on massage activated vitamin C mask this is a product that has been in my regular mask the base of it is very standard kaolin and bentonite clay is but it's not a very sick mask so it doesn't for a very long time the next face mask is the honey potion this is the product that I think of when I hear pharmacy this and the green clean cleansing balm I feel like are the quintessential pharmacy products I'm sure a lot of you guys will relate a quick note on the packaging for this the lid is actually magnetic and this product comes

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