LG’s Patent Extendable Display

In these days, the smartphones companies are working hard to bring innovative designs on the table for the users who loves innovation in the technologies. Recently, LG has launched a design of next generation.LG’s patent innovation has 3 display segments that lead the innovation towards the new extendable displays. The new LG smartphone is featured to turn its display around 2x of its size. The new smartphone designed on the latest technology will have the qualities to turn into 100% larger than its actual size and will transform into the screen like that of tablets. On November 15, LG has submitted its patent to the world intellectual property office (WIPO). The LG submitted the detailed report of the phone model along with some sketches. the sketches reveal that the smartphone is designed to fold from two points. In the past, the LG have patented the smartphones designs that was based on the concept of extendable displays.



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