new you keto the shit out probably every organ of my body right bird stepping up holy shit oh shit hey six point two eighty three push solid taking off seven Underground's my jeans especially because the jeans will be waiting a bit 85.5 damn holy shit now coming up to the scales we have the [Music] portables [Music] but use multi save money sixty three point eight so sixty three point two what would you big so big will be not reveal in two hours time I'm gonna be absolutely stop this is the absolute nightmare video sorry nice food [Applause] ah okay we're stronger way this is a video about the ink things better we're gonna be eating so much of the time so what happens we're gonna be eating most of the time anyway so here's a shot a bit got a drink but it's pounds so then I suspect ten pounds something awfully jackpot Laurie Dickens and we're gonna yeah I got herself over here we're gonna have any youtuber hopefully get their first win I don't know you're the guest I've we've got to it's my yard so now I'll again feel the guest into the monopoly okay okay by the way this hopefully I hope we don't win because we're trying to prove