Not every woman can use this form

Not every woman can use this form of pregnancy prevention. Some women must give up oral contraception, which is the most popular contraceptive pill . Complications after hormonal contraception vary depending on the form of the preparation. When deciding on the most suitable form of contraception for a given patient, the following should be taken into account: general health, past diseases, current test results and even a tendency to use stimulants. The occurrence of side effects can be reduced by limiting the use of hormonal agents in people with contraindications to taking them. Contraindications to hormonal contraception Hormonal contraception is not a form of pregnancy prevention that all women can use. Contraindications to taking hormonal contraception are : In the interview, the physician should consider possible contraindications to the use of hormonal contraception . It is especially important to determine the contraindications to taking two-component contraceptive pills - it is the most popular contraceptive in Poland.

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