
Evianne Cream Particularly noteworthy are the extracts of red clover , nettle, dandelion , green tea, lemon balm and field pansy (including three-colored violet). as well as zinc and sulfur are equally important . The most available extract, both in the form of tablets and tea, is pansy. Consuming an extract of this plant in the form of an infusion is an effective way to deal with acne - the plant has multidirectional effects. It reduces the activity of sebaceous glands and affects metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins. The first positive effects can be seen after a month of use, and a few months of treatment will benefit the skin condition and reduce the formation of subsequent acne lesions. The smoker's skin is very different from the addicted person's skin. The most characteristic are smoker's wrinkles located around the mouth. Smokers also often have exacerbation of acne symptoms, aggravation of the problem of broken capillaries, and excessive facial hair. Yellowed nails and teeth are also a result of cigarette smoking. Smoking cigarettes negatively affects the beauty, the most affecting the skin condition. It turns out that in smokers aging processes occur at an accelerated pace, and in addition, these changes, despite the possibilities of modern cosmetology, are often irreversible.


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