countdown ketosay on this channel anyone can loose a little bit away anyone can lose 5 10 even 50 pounds if they're 300 pounds right now anyone can do that with these kind of rules of thumb like eat a bit less food eat a bit less of the naughty stuff do a bit more exercise again good rules of thumb but they'll only ever take you so far because they don't address the root cause you're still going to have food addiction if you're counting calories like excuse me counting your calories like most people are counting calories you're still going to perhaps have this kind of again another mainstream a mainstream thought-process mentality rather to pop a pill for every issue you've got in your body you're not going to free yourself from any of this mainstream thinking if you keep drinking the kool-aid so you've got to get out of that way of thinking 



countdown keto reviews actually more about the types of food you're eating in the first place than those are the factors meaning that whilst the likes of portion sizes and meal frequency did indeed play a role when it came to weight loss absolutely there were far more secondary factors than the likes of watch your eating than eating the right sorts of foods in the first place that of course begs the question well run what would you say the right sorts of foods are now again according to the scientific literature when you mirror studies based on the populations of the world going back hundreds of years it's quite clear to me to see that the optimal human diet when it comes to countering obesity is a whole plant foods diet that is surprisingly and I'll explain 

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